Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Coming Out

Coming Out
It appears that I'm finally finding my way out of that deep, dark hole I was in.  This one wasn't easy as part of it was the  new medication I was given.  Plus it didn't help that I was missing a dose of another one for a week.  The combination was almost deadly.  So, deadly I begged Victor to take me to the hospital.
Now, I'm not an advocate for the psych ward at the hospital.  I feel they don't do you any good, except keep you safe and I didn't feel safe.  Victor, however, watched me like a mama hawk and I came through, but came through with a few battle scars.
Part of my stress in the past several months is Victor's unemployment status. We are at 6 months now and it appears there may be some light at the end of this dark hole.  A spot I can climb out of. Maybe a job offer coming our way, with it a new move. 
My hip has been acting up pretty quickly and I'm finding it hard again to walk.  I need to call my hip surgeon today and get an appointment to get another shot in the hip. Hopefully that helps.  It popped out of place 3 times yesterday and that is so painful.
We got the new movie Exodus, the movie about Moses and setting the slaves free.  I don't recommend it.  The Ten Commandments with Charleston Heston is the bomb and I found myself constantly comparing movies.  There are just some movies that should be left alone.
There's another one out called A.D. that might be worth watching.  It's about the life of the disciples after the death of Jesus.  I think I would redbox that first before I buy it, I wish I had done that with Exodus. It would of saved us 30.00.
That about sums up the past few days.  Resting my hip today.  We were out most of the day yesterday running errands and that certainly didn't help my hip any.  So, today is a "take it easy day".  I love these type of days!
I am Debbie and I was here...

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