Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who am I?

Who am I?
I don't think I've ever formally introduced myself to you.  I guess I just assumed you knew who I was, but do you really?......
I was born Baby Pardon, no first name, no middle name and just only a last name of Pardon.  That's how the hospital identified me while I stayed with them for 5 days until my new parents came and got me. 
Yep, I was one of the million that was given up for adoption and my new parents came and picked me up from the hospital.  So, when I left the hospital my name had been changed to Debra Jeanne Kempt.  Yea, that's it. 
Off on my life journey and eventually I was told I was adopted, not just "Sweetie, you are special because we picked you", kind of, me; I was told like this "This is our  daughter, but she is adopted".  So, that's how I learned the ugly truth about adoption and the hell it would bring into my life until I would find peace with it.
As I grew older and understood what adoption really meant I set it my life's mission to find my Birthmom.  I had no real desire to find my birthdad, which as the story unfolds, becomes a twisted fate of him becoming my rod that I hung onto through everything.
Anyway, I had a pretty screwed up life being adopted and so when I became 16 I decided that it was time for me to leave the home and start a family of my own.  So, that is what I did.  I found my mate, got pregnant and started my life away from home.
Now, little did I know just how hard it was going to be, but I was committed and determined to make it work.  Luckily my husband was just as committed and we made a formidable team. 
One part of me was proving a point, I was also trying to break the "cycle". Proving I was not going to be one of "those" teenagers that would be forced into giving up their child.  No one was going to take my children away from me and if by chance they got by me, my husband wouldn't of let it happen either.
So, I raised me two young children (18 months apart) and focused on daily living, struggling to put food on the table and struggling to stay alive.  I never forgot that I was adopted and never forgot my promise that I would find her someday, but those days weren't one of them.
Finally it came time to start my search, I was 24 and I knew I could find her on my own so I set out to search.  Those were the days before the internet and home computers so it made searching very hard, but I was going to do it.  I had a few dreams that I felt were leading me to the direction I needed to be going and so I followed up on those and ironically if I had written to the right family, I actually would of found my birth family.  Because at the time I wrote my letters to people with a certain name that was in my dream, there was only 1 person with the last name "Pardon".  Remember, Baby Pardon.  That Pardon, was my grandfather.  But, that set of letters got sent to all Strickers living in Tacoma, WA.  Pretty crazy, Huh?
I had sent away for my adoption decree and when it finally came I was devastated to see that someone had to physically sit down and cut out all the identifying information before sending it to me.  The piece of paper was full of holes and I was  so broken hearted.  However, up in the upper left hand corner (Like in a legal document) was a cut out name versus Baby Pardon.  I called an attorneys office and asked what that meant and he said that Pardon was a legal term and not a name.  He was obviously pro-adoption.
So, defeated I hired a third party organization in Tacoma, WA to search for me.  It cost me several  hundreds of dollars we didn't have, but it was important to me and so we managed.  That decision took me on a 3 year roller coaster ride and got me nothing but grief. 
At the end of those three years I had had enough and sent them a letter telling them to stop my search.  Well, in the mean time they had found my birth mom and because I sent them that letter couldn't reunite us, so I quickly had to send them a letter rescinding that previous letter so I can have her contact me.  So, after 4 years of searching I finally found her!
The moment was surreal and after having a million questions growing up, I couldn't remember a single one.  I had a better conversation with my sister than I did with my mom, but I think that's because we were more on a level playing field.
A few years after we were reunited I saw a show on the Oprah Winfrey show about adult adoptions.  There was one family on there who found their child they gave away for adoption and they were now re-adopting that child to reclaim their legal rights as their parents.  I thought that was pretty cool and told this to my birth mom and she thought about it and said we needed to do that.
So, we did!  She re-adopted me at the age of 30 and it was this time that I took full charge of my life and changed my name....YEP!!!!  I changed my name.  I was so excited about it, but didn't get much support from family or friends about it.  But, I didn't care. I went through it anyway and I then became....Debra Elisabeth Ann Cartwright Holder.  So, let's break that down....I kept Debbie because that's how everyone knew me all my life.  I took out Jeanne and put Elisabeth Ann as my middle name.  Elisabeth Ann was the name my birth parents were going to call me.  I took my birth father's name as my maiden name and Holder was my married name. 
I am Debra Elisabeth Ann Cartwright and that's the name I live by, answer to and swear by.  After my divorce from the kid's dad I went by my maiden name Cartwright and I wore that name with pride and it comforted me day and night.  To this day, I am the closest to my birth dad, who killed himself in 1974 upon learning that I hadn't died at birth, that I had been given away.  His suicide note says he was going to die so he could go to heaven and watch over me, and he does everyday.  I love my daddy so much and miss him more everyday. 
So, now you know me,  but do you really? LOL.  I don't think so, but your just beginning to.....
I am Debbie and I was here....

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