Pain is Great!
Don't you think that statement is right? No, really, let's think about it. Pain teaches us so much, that is only if we are willing to learn from it.
You have a headache or better yet a migraine. I speak from experience, so I'm going to use this as my example of pain.
In a headache/migraine you can feel it coming on, if you are in tune with your body. I can feel it starting to come. I take medication for migraines, so if I take it upon noticing the onset, then it won't get bad. But, if I am somewhere where I can't take my medication, I'm looking at 3-4 days of intense, debilitating pain.
Let's assume you can't take medication. So, you notice the pain. One of the first response is stress or tension because you know what's coming. Ok, this teaches us that we need to learn how to be patient, more steady in our life and in our minds. It teaches us that we need to be more grounded, more reverant, more calm on the stormy seas of life. To enjoy those stormy seas like a ride at Disneyland. To have peace!
So, the headache got past the stress and tension, don't worry it happens to me all the time too. Now what do we do when the pain starts to get really bad. The one thing we don't do very well, at least most of us....take care of yourself. Rest, sleep, use ear plugs, use an eye mask. Drink lots of water, try and keep things quiet and dark. What does all this represent.
I believe headaches are given to us as a "time out". I sense of you've been stressing to much, you're working to hard, you have to much heartache or your in trouble financially or with the law. Whatever it is, your body reacts to those stresses and in some of us it's in a form of a headache/migraine.
REST: Rest is hard when your in intense pain, but do your best to rest in a dark, quiet room. The dark and quiet is important because that helps sets the mood for shutting everything out. It also helps you delve deeply into yourself to focus, breath and calm down to help that headache release itself.
SLEEP: Sleep is the one thing we neglect to give our bodies. We run here, we run there. If we are moms, we are constantly running children all over the place. You may work outside the home and then still run your children everywhere. Women are a mighty, powerful bunch of mighty people and we can conquer anything, even pain. Sometimes, when I am in the throngs of my pain I think of giving birth to my 10 pound baby boy. That was pain, but a migraine is a different pain, a much different pain. Anyway, sleep is crucial for your body, especially when you are sick, tired and/or stressed.
EARS PLUGS, EYE MASK: These are wonderful tools to help us not only break a headache, but to block out life for just a little while. Ear plugs shut out the world, use these even if you don't have a headache. Eye mask, same thing. You will find your cares and troubles waste away and your energy come back.
So, you didn't learn much about pain yet have you? No, but you learned about some techniques to arm yourself to you will be prepared to fight off any sickness or stress in your life.
Pain teaches us how to be patient, how to learn to be calm, how to ground our life so we won't get sick and in pain. Pain teaches us to appreciate our bodies and the remarkable gift it gives us when to heal itself. It teaches us to appreciate that we too need to take time out for ourselves and if we keep going and never stop we receive pain to remind us to stop.
Finally, pain teaches us Perfect Attention Is Needed. So, in my book. Pain is good, it teaches us many things. About here and now and about the heavens and beyond. You have to be willing to learn from it and not fight it. Never fight pain, it only makes it worse and you don't want that.
Pain is great! If you don't think so, then you have a lot to learn and I can help you!
I am Debbie and I was here.
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