Friday, February 20, 2015

She is a Woman
1.  I am a proud mother or three grown children.  They are all self-sufficient, successful and make me so damn proud.  I love each of you!
2.  I am a daughter, an adopted daughter and a birth daughter.  Which do I relate to most, both.  Which am I prouder of, both.  I learned things from being both types of daughters.  I learned how to be self-reliant being an adopted daughter.  I've learned how to feel being a birth daughter.
3.  I am a wife, three times now and the last time too I might add.  There will never be another husband for me.  I'm done with husband gave me 20 great years, 3 beautiful children and 20 years of memories to last me a lifetime.  Husband #2, lasted 2 months, taught me about not trusting completely.  Lastly, my current husband, has taught me so far, patient. 
4.  I am a sister.  Never a full-blooded sister, but an adopted sister and a half-sister to 6 siblings.  What I've learned, keep my mouth shut and my business to myself.
5.  I am a truly amazing person!  Who wouldn't be after living a life like I have.
6.  I am strong, smart and crafty!  I am totally crafty, trying desperately to get my business off of the ground.  Strong, for sure.  smart, hard knocks makes you so.
7.  I am passionate, courageous and generous.  Passionate, hands down.  Courageous, no doubt.  Generous to a fault. 
8.  I am beautiful, I have a brain and I know exactly how to use it.  I have inner beauty that I will claim.  Outer beauty I don't agree with.  I do have a brain and a pretty sharp one.  Yes, I know how to use it and when to shut up and not to use it.
9.  I give life, loves respect, I have gratitude and believe in others.  I gave life to three remarkable human beings.  I love having respect, who doesn't, but I don't want it unless I deserve it.  I am forever grateful for what I have, whether it be large or small, I am grateful.  I do, eternally, believe in the good in others.  I believe there is good in each of us and some of us just chooses to show it, while other's chooses to depress it.
10.  I will nurture you, and fight for you.  A loving, nurturing nature in natural in me and I answer to that easily.  Fighting is a part of my astrological sign, the Leo (the Lion) and with that I WILL always fight for you if I believe in your cause. 
11.  I deserve nothing less than in return from you!  I give to everyone that I can, nobody is any less than I.  I give to my children, my grandchildren, my friends, my relatives, my neighbors and strangers.  I deserve what I give and I only expect that from my neighbors, friends, and family that love and respect me.
You are a woman!  You are entitled to all of the above, just like me....enjoy!
I am Debbie and I was here....

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